I'm Emilie

Never a gymnast nor a dancer

Little did I know I would learn to handstand at 38. Or do a kick over at 39 for that matter! But that’s how it turned out. 

I have never been a gymnast or a dancer, though I have been rather active, and enjoyed working out. I started spending time at different group trainings in my late teens. It was aerobic, step, slide, whatever was available, and to that I added a bit of gym and occasional running.

But having the strength and flexibility I have now, at 42, and being able to do the things I do was nothing I ever saw happening until I found Vinyasa Flow.  


The Beginning

In 1999 I read in Swedish Elle about Madonna turning 40 and doing yoga every day and with her lovely appearance in my mind I went to buy a yoga video on VHS. It was my first encounter with yoga. I learned the basics in the comfort of my own home, from a man and a woman doing what I now think was some sort of Hatha yoga. 

From then yoga was present in my life, but not on regular basis. Then I started doing Body Balance and became a teacher and taught for a couple of years before we moved and my two daughters came into my life and turned things upside down as kids do. 

So tired

When I had two small children it seemed like there was rarely or ever time for me. I was constantly tired and feeling that I was never enough. 

Every evening I crashed on the couch after the kids were put to bed which didn’t make me feel great in any way. 

Not only did I become less toned, I was also beating myself up for being lazy and it all became a bad circle of negative energy. 

I dreamed of finding a strong, fun workout that not only made me fit, but also worked with my mind, a magical thing that made me FEEL AMAZING inside and out!

Vinyasa Flow

But sometime in late 2015 I was trying to pull myself together and browsing workout inspiration on Pinterest. There I found a photo of KinoMcGregor doing a handstand scorpion and I was completely blown away. I instantly knew I also wanted to do this, but I couldn’t even hold a handstand properly for 2 seconds, let alone put my feet on my head. 

This was the start of my “modern” yoga journey. Me and my husband did a 30 day yoga challenge with Erin Motz and I liked her so much I started a subsription on DoYouYoga where she was teaching. There I found Briohny Smythe and kind of fell in love with her teaching and her yoga. So I moved over to CodyApp which became AloMoves and a new world opened up. 

Screenshot from Pinterest 


In 2018 I started my @gingerem_yoga instagram account and the yoga world grew instantly. I started to join challenges, I connected to people all around the world, I learned so much every day and my practice grew.

I loved online yoga and Instagram yoga. It fit me perfectly, getting to practice what I wanted whenever I wanted. Learning new drills and having a lovely community to cheer me forward. 


Yoga Teacher

So I decided to become a yoga teacher. The thought had been growing for a long time, but when I found the perfect education at True North Vinyasa I was all in. I had the intention from the start to be an online yoga teacher, but as I understood the importance of teaching real people and seeing their reactions and getting their feedback I started a local studio in the small town where I live. And that’s where I am now. With a constantly growing community, both in real life and online. With new online offers, with an intention of being present with my students whether they are next door or on the other side of the world.

Yoga is so much more than just a workout, it’s connection to yourself, to the universe and to a beautiful community.



It doesn’t come easy, but it’s tremendously rewarding. Every day I’m fascinated and so happy for having yoga in my life. It has changed my life in so many ways. Not only am I stronger and more fit than ever before in my life, I’m more spiritual, more connected to myself. I meditate 30 minutes every day, practice gratitude and don’t eat meat. 

My toes are not yet on my head, but that’s what I love about the practice – it never ends! There is always more to discover, more challenges to take on, physical and mental. 

My mission now is to help as many women as I can to invite Vinyasa Flow into their lives, and help them experience the magical change. 

Contact me if you want to be one of them!

Take my free workshop!

unlocking asana magic

I reveal 10 great tips that will take your yoga practice to the next level.

Whether you are new to yoga or looking to grow your practice, there will be some great information in this workshop